General Links
Below are some general links about large breed dogs, Great Pyrenees, livestock guardians, and other information that readers may find interesting.
Breed Specific Articles Great Pyrenees Library - a large collection of articles about various topics such as behavior, breeding, genetics, livestock guardians, medical issues, and more. Great Pyrenees Guard Dog Training Guide - a very detailed article from Milk and Honey Farm in Minnesota, who use Great Pyrenees dogs to guard their sheep and poultry. Is This the Breed for You? (Great Pyrenees Club of America) Anatolian Shepherd Dogs International
Breed Standards (American Kennel Club) - these links describe how the various working dog breeds are judged in the dog show ring. Anatolian Shepherd Breed Standard Tibetan Mastiff Breed Standard
Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGD) What is the Difference Between a Livestock Guard Dog and a Family Companion? Choosing a Livestock Guardian Dog - thinking that you might need a livestock guardian dog? This article presents the pros and cons in a general and easy to follow way. Myths and Misinformation about Working LGDs - a good article about livestock guardian dogs in general. Training Anatolian Shepherd Dogs for Poultry Guarding - one person's own method of training her dogs. Socializing Your Puppy - tips on socializing puppies as both companions and livestock guardians. Candll Lamb and Cattle Company - a large sheep and cattle ranch in northern Saskatchewan, managed according to holistic and sustainable principles. They use a variety of livestock guardian dogs to protect their flocks. Be sure to watch their 7 minute video about their dogs! |